Thank you for your time in helping to shape the future of The Green Quarter. We are finalising our plans before we shortly submit an outline masterplan to the London Borough of Ealing.
Your insights and feedback on our masterplan have been helpful and we are excited to introduce some of your suggestions as we continue to deliver currently consented phases.
Please check our website for the latest updates and community events that are happening at The Green Quarter.

New homes
• 5,500 new homes across Phases 4 – 9.
• Genuinely affordable homes.
• An increase of new homes from the previously consented masterplan.

Good jobs and growth
• Create up to 8,000 sqm GEA of new business spaces.iness spaces.
• Focused on start-up businesses with small and flexible units.
• Spaces to support around 900 new jobs.

Education and health
• Provision for a new primary school.
• A health centre is being delivered as part of Phase 2.
• A new sports facility.

Nature and play
• Extension of the central gardens to the canalside.
• 1 km of enhanced canalside walk.
• Biodiverse and ecologically rich wetlands.
• New green spaces.
• New play spaces.
• Nature trails to Minet Country Park.

• Two bus routes will run through the site including the extension of bus route 95.
• Pedestrian and cycle priority, including designated cycle routes.
• 2 new footbridges across to Minet Country Park.
• New and improved underpasses connecting to areas south of the railway line.
• 20-minute neighbourhood with improved journey times, providing amenities and services all within a 20-minute walk.
Tel: 0800 142 2752
Email: info@thegreenquartercommunity.co.uk